• (647) 343-8928

  • 1756 St. Clair Ave West, Toronto ON M6N1J3

Hai Bà Trưng: Trung Sisters Commemoration

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The Trưng Sisters were Vietnamese military leaders who rebelled Chinese rule, and are regarded as national heroines of Vietnam. Their names were Trưng Trắc and Trưng Nhị. The Trưng Sisters are highly revered in Vietnam, as they led the first resistance movement against the occupation of the Chinese after 247 years of domination.

Even though the Trưng Sisters’ revolt against the Chinese was almost 2,000 years ago, its legacy in Vietnam remains. The two sisters are considered to be a national symbol in Vietnam. They represent Vietnam’s independence. They are often depicted as two women riding two giant war elephants, and leading their followers into battle against the Chinese. The Trưng Sisters were more than two sisters who gave up their life for their country, they are powerful symbols of Vietnamese resistance and freedom.

Annually, VWAT Family Services organizes this event not only to express our gratitude for the heroines but also to preserve and share Vietnamese culture in Canada.

“All the male heroes bowed their heads in submission; Only the two sisters proudly stood up to avenge the country.” From a 15th-century poem.

Read more about  Hai Bà Trưng Commemoration 2024 here.