• (647) 343-8928

  • 1756 St. Clair Ave West, Toronto ON M6N1J3

Marilyn Tran

Youth Program Coordinator

Marilyn Tran serves as the Youth Program Coordinator at VWAT Family Services. Born and raised in Toronto, Canada, she treasures her Vietnamese cultural heritage, nurtured by her extended family. Despite initial disinterest, she completed over 12 years of Vietnamese classes, now fluent in speaking, reading, and writing the language, enhancing her ability to engage effectively within the Vietnamese community.

Her dedication to community service began in high school, volunteering at the Toronto Public Library and excelling in various extracurricular roles, including student council president. Graduating with high honors from the University of Toronto with an Honours Bachelor of Science degree in Human Biology and Psychology, she led the Vietnamese Students’ Association and engaged with the Canadian Asian Social Society.

 During her university years, Marilyn volunteered as a Vietnamese interpreter at Mount Sinai Hospital and participated in the Maximizing Aging Using Volunteer Engagement (MAUVE) Program supporting senior patients and mitigating functional decline during hospital stays. For over a decade, she contributed as a research assistant at St. Michael’s Hospital, particularly working with marginalized populations, including the homeless.

Beyond her role at VWAT, Marilyn is a licensed Naturopathic Doctor, emphasizing mental health and intergenerational trauma healing—an endeavor she views as crucial, especially within the context of her identity as a second-generation Vietnamese Canadian. Marilyn firmly believes in the transformative impact of this work, aiming to empower and heal individuals and communities alike.

Passionate about community engagement, Marilyn cherishes her role as a Youth Coordinator. Her mission involves creating purposeful programs that nurture the growth and well-being of young individuals.

Marilyn sees herself as a bridge, connecting the traditional with the contemporary, and the Eastern with the Western. Recognizing the inherent beauty and significance within both realms, her lifelong commitment revolves around harmonizing these diverse elements, fostering integration between the two worlds.