– For newcomers: Arrival date & amount of foreign-sourced income earned in the tax year before arriving in Canada
– Rental/property tax receipts
– Tax Deduction Receipts: Donations, medical, child care, tuition, RRSP, bus pass (seniors only)
Only bring documents that apply to your situation.
Pour des services d’établissement en français et/ou la formation linguistique en français, veuillez contacterCentre Francophone du Grand Toronto (416)-922-2672 ouhttps://ac.centrefranco.org/
Choose a service by category
*Please specify by email whether you want an in-person or online appointment.
Choose from our list of services
*Please specify by email whether you want an in-person or online appointment.
An official receipt for tax purposes will be issued for all donations $10 and over. Please send your donation to VWAT’s office or send an e-transfer to vtruong@vwat.org, and note that the e-transfer is a donation in the message section.