• (647) 343-8928

  • 1756 St. Clair Ave West, Toronto ON M6N1J3

VWAT Family Services understands the unique challenges that youth face, particularly those who are newcomers to Canada. The transition to a new way of life can be difficult for young people, and they may feel isolated or disconnected from their community. To address this issue, VWAT Family Services has volunteer opportunities Toronto for students between the ages of 13 and 25.

Our youth programs are designed to provide opportunities for youth to participate, lead, and showcase their talents and abilities. We believe that all youth have unique skills and strengths, and our goal is to help them build their self confidence and experience what it means to build healthy connections and contribute to the community.

Volunteer Opportunities Toronto for Students

Some of the activities offered through our youth program include:

Meeting friends: We provide a safe and welcoming environment where youth can connect with other young people from similar backgrounds. This can help them feel less isolated and more connected to their community.

Recreational activities: We offer a variety of recreational activities such as sports, games, and arts and crafts that are designed to be fun and engaging for youth.

Field trips: We organize field trips to different parts of Toronto, giving youth the opportunity to explore the city and learn about its history and culture.

Volunteering: We encourage youth to get involved in volunteer work, as this can be a great way for them to give back to the community and develop valuable skills.

Workshops: We offer workshops on a variety of topics such as leadership, communication, and goal-setting. These workshops are designed to help youth develop valuable skills that they can use throughout their lives.

Discussions: We facilitate critical discussions on issues that matter to youth, such as racism, bullying, and mental health. This helps youth to develop a deeper understanding of these issues and learn how to navigate them.

Overall, our Youth Programs are designed to provide a supportive and empowering environment for newcomer youth. We believe that by providing opportunities for youth to participate, lead, and showcase their talents and abilities, we can help them build their self confidence and experience what it means to build healthy connections and contribute to the community.

Youth Group

The youth-led VWAT Youth Group is for you if you want to meet new friends, develop your leadership skills, and volunteer in the community!

As a member, you have the opportunity to make a real impact on our neighbourhood. Volunteer with us at the soup kitchen, lead the Games section at VWAT’s Annual Lantern Festival, participate in workshops that matter to you—you can do it with us!

The 4 main goals of our group:

  1. To develop an openness to new experiences.
  2. To develop a sense of social responsibility.
  3. To develop transferable skills in preparation for future career success.
  4. To support each other in forming strong supportive networks with our community and peers.

The goals of our group are achieved by:

  • Group discussions within a supportive peer group environment
  • Meaningful volunteer opportunities within VWAT Family Services and partnering community organizations to provide skill-building opportunities
  • Transferable skills development training workshops
  • “Try-It” learning sessions for extracurricular activities
  • Mentorship by community builders and leaders

Summer Day Camp

Want to connect with other kids this summer? Spend the summer exploring the city with other youth! Our fun itinerary includes trips to the beach, community pool, activities at the park, Ontario Science Centre, Royal Ontario Museum, bowling, rock climbing and many more activities!

Organized by members of our Youth Group, with the support of many of our Youth volunteers, the Summer Camp is a great opportunity for youth to gain leadership skills, organizational skills, accountability and responsibility, as well as to feel fulfilled and accomplished while having fun with campers. Volunteers can claim volunteer hours and paid positions are funded by the Canada Summer Jobs Program.

Cultural Festivals

Volunteering for cultural festivals is an incredible way for youth to immerse themselves in diverse traditions while contributing meaningfully to their community. VWAT Family Services offers incredible volunteer opportunities within our three flagship annual cultural festivals: the Lunar New Year Festival, Trung Sisters Commemoration, and Children’s Lantern Festival. Volunteers actively contribute to these events by organizing vibrant performances, managing exhibits, overseeing workshops, organizing games, and engaging in activities that showcase and celebrate Vietnamese heritage.

These volunteer opportunities offer invaluable experiences, allowing youth to develop leadership skills, cross-cultural understanding, and a deeper appreciation for diversity. Moreover, they provide a platform for individuals to make a tangible difference in preserving and promoting cultural heritage within their community. Volunteering at these festivals not only enriches one’s understanding of Vietnamese traditions but also fosters a sense of unity and belonging within a diverse society.

VWAT offers the above volunteer opportunities in Toronto for students. The remainder of this page also talks about other volunteer opportunities in Toronto for students (from other service providers) just in case you are too far away from VWAT. This is a journey of exploration and growth, where you’ll discover the myriad of volunteer opportunities in Toronto for students that resonate with your passions and skills.

From short term, quick impact tasks to long-term engagements and even virtual volunteering from the comfort of your home, Toronto offers an abundance of options. Get ready to embark on a transformative journey, enhancing your skills, contributing to the community and making a lasting impact.

Discovering Volunteer Opportunities in Toronto

Volunteer Opportunities Toronto for Students

Imagine exploring a treasure trove of opportunities, each with its own unique potential to change lives—yours and those of others. That treasure trove is Toronto, a city teeming with diverse volunteer opportunities for students. From assisting local organizations to honing your communication skills, the city provides an exciting playground for you to gain valuable volunteer experience. The best part? You’re not just another volunteer; you’re an integral part of the community tapestry, weaving your own threads of change.

But the question remains, how does one navigate this landscape brimming with opportunities? Well, it’s all about understanding the terrain. It’s time to dissect this into manageable portions. We’ll explore short term volunteering for quick impact and long term volunteering for deep engagement, just like the ones we offer at VWAT. We’ll also explore virtual volunteering to connect from anywhere. Each path offers its own unique journey, so strap in and get ready to embark on an adventure of a lifetime.

Volunteer Opportunities Toronto for Students
The best nonprofit organizations

Short Term Volunteering: Quick Impact

Ever imagined making a significant impact in the blink of an eye? That’s the magic of short term volunteering. This is where you:

  • Dive in.
  • Address immediate needs.
  • Fill gaps in volunteer roles.
  • Make a difference in a short amount of time.

It’s like being a superhero, swooping in just when you’re needed the most, and leaving a lasting impact in your wake.

So, where might you stumble upon such opportunities in Toronto? Think art making workshops at the McMichael Canadian Art Collection or assisting studio art instructors at the AGO. These short term volunteering opportunities are not just about ticking off community involvement hours on your resume; they’re about immersing yourself in novel experiences, learning new skills, and making a tangible difference.

Long Term Volunteer Opportunities: Deep Engagement

If you crave immersion, long term volunteering could be your path. It’s like planting a seed and nurturing it, witnessing its growth over time. With long term volunteering, you foster a deeper understanding of your motivations, build stronger relationships, and increase your beneficial impact over time. It’s a marathon, not a sprint, but the view along the journey is worth every step.

Organizations like Volunteer Toronto, the Toronto Public Library, Habitat for Humanity Toronto, and the Toronto Wildlife Centre offer such long term volunteer opportunities. From reforestation and beach cleaning to community projects, the possibilities are as diverse as the city itself. It’s a commitment of a year or more, but the bonds you form, the skills you gain, and the impact you make are irreplaceable.

Virtual Volunteering: Connect from Anywhere

What if we told you, you could make a difference without leaving your home? Welcome to the world of virtual volunteering, where you connect with organizations from anywhere, contributing to various causes through tasks like online research, content creation, or even virtual tutoring. It’s like having a magic carpet that lets you traverse the globe, making a difference wherever you go.

Platforms like United Nations Volunteers, Catchafire, Smithsonian Digital Volunteers, and Amnesty Decoders offer an array of virtual volunteering opportunities. Whether it’s supporting global initiatives or contributing to local causes, virtual volunteering offers the flexibility and accessibility to make a positive impact on your terms. All you need is an internet connection, and you’re ready to change the world, right from your living room.

Volunteer Opportunities Toronto for Students

Tailoring Opportunities to your Interests and Skills

Picture a puzzle, each distinct piece unifying to reveal a beautiful image. That’s what it feels like when you tailor volunteer opportunities to match your interests and skills. It’s about finding the right pieces – the opportunities that resonate with your passions and utilize your skills – to create a picture that’s uniquely you.

But how do you find those pieces? It starts with understanding yourself – your skills, your passions, what drives you. Then, it’s about finding the right fit – the organizations that align with your interests and offer opportunities that utilize your skills. And finally, it’s about tapping into resources – your school and community resources that can guide you on your journey. Let’s explore this in more depth.

Assessing your Skills and Passions

Understanding yourself is the initial step towards finding the right volunteer opportunity. It’s like embarking on a treasure hunt, where the treasure is your unique set of skills and passions. From communication and leadership to empathy and teamwork, every skill you possess is a gem waiting to be discovered and polished.

To unearth these gems, you can use tools like interest inventories, self assessment questionnaires, and reflection on past accomplishments. By identifying your strengths, weaknesses, and preferences, you empower yourself to find opportunities that truly match your skills and passions. It’s about turning that treasure trove of skills and passions into a map that guides you to the perfect volunteering opportunity.

Meeting Graduation Requirements: Community Involvement Hours

Volunteering is more than just making a difference; it’s a pivotal element in meeting Ontario’s graduation requirements. You need a minimum of 40 hours of community involvement to graduate high school, and what better way to clock those hours than by making a positive impact in your community?

But how do you ensure that your volunteer work meets these requirements? It starts with understanding the requirements, finding approved opportunities, and documenting your experience. Let’s further clarify these steps.

Volunteer Opportunities Toronto for Students

Understanding the Requirements

The initial step for high school students involves comprehending the requirements for community involvement hours. Think of it as the rules of a game – to play effectively, you need to know what’s expected of you. In Ontario, you need a minimum of 40 hours of community involvement to graduate high school. And these hours can be accumulated at any time during your secondary school program.

But what type of activities qualify for these hours? It could be:

  • Supporting non profit organizations.
  • Tutoring.
  • Mentoring.
  • Participating in community service programs.
  • Assisting those in need.

As long as these activities align with the standards set by the school board and Ministry of Education, you’re good to go.

Finding Approved Opportunities

Upon understanding the requirements, the subsequent step is to locate approved volunteer opportunities. It’s like setting out on a treasure hunt, where the treasure is an opportunity that not only aligns with your passions and skills but also counts towards your graduation requirements.

You can find approved volunteer opportunities through resources like Volunteer Toronto, the City of Toronto’s official website, and the YMCA of Greater Toronto. These platforms offer a wealth of information about different programs and opportunities to get involved and make a difference. So, get ready to embark on a thrilling treasure hunt, and who knows, you might just find the perfect opportunity waiting for you.

Volunteer Opportunities Toronto for Students

Documenting your Experience

Once you’ve uncovered your treasure, the ideal volunteer opportunity, remember to chronicle your journey. It’s like keeping a diary of your adventures, recording your contributions, capturing your growth, and providing a roadmap for your future journeys.

From keeping a detailed logbook of your activities and hours to obtaining feedback from supervisors and collecting any form of recognition you receive during your service, documenting your volunteer experiences is crucial. It’s not just about providing evidence of your contributions, but also about reflecting on your personal growth and the impact you’ve made.

So, keep a record of your adventure, because every journey is worth remembering.

The Benefits of Volunteering for Youth

Volunteer Opportunities Toronto for Students

But why should you undertake this volunteering journey? Beyond contributing to your community and meeting graduation requirements, volunteering offers a myriad of benefits for youth. From personal growth and skill development to networking opportunities and a boost to your college applications, the rewards of volunteering go far beyond the immediate.

Let’s explore these benefits in greater detail. We’ll explore how volunteering contributes to:

  • Your personal growth and skill development.
  • How it helps you build networks and connect with your community.
  • How it can enhance your college applications, resumes and knowledge.
Volunteer Opportunities Toronto for Students

Personal Growth and Skill Development

Imagine a tool that not only helps shape your character but also enhances your skillset. That’s what volunteering is – a powerful tool for personal growth and skill development. It’s like a gym for your character, where you exercise your:

  • Empathy.
  • Compassion.
  • Self confidence.
  • Self esteem.

Becoming stronger with each task you undertake.

But it’s not just about personal growth. Volunteering also offers a chance to develop a diverse set of skills, including:

  • Punctuality.
  • Organization.
  • Communication.
  • Teamwork.
  • Problem solving.

It’s like a workshop where you learn, hone, and master skills that will serve you in every walk of life.

Networking and Community Connection

Now, imagine a bridge that connects you to a vibrant community and opens doors to exciting opportunities. That’s what volunteering does – it builds bridges. It’s an opportunity to expand your network, connect with professionals in your field of interest, and open doors to future opportunities.

But it’s not just about professional networking. Volunteering also helps you:

  • Expand your social circles.
  • Foster meaningful connections with individuals who share similar interests.
  • Join a club where everyone shares your passion for making a difference.

And who knows, some of these connections might turn into lifelong friendships.

Boosting College Applications and Resumes for High School Students

Finally, volunteering is like a magic key that can unlock doors to your future. From enhancing your college applications to boosting your resume, the impact of volunteering extends beyond the community you serve. It’s a testament to your dedication to service, your ability to work in a team, and your commitment to making a difference.

Colleges and universities value volunteer work as it showcases proactive engagement and a strong commitment to the community. On your resume, volunteering serves as a powerful booster, showcasing your skills, experiences, and the value you bring. So, whether you’re applying for college or your dream job, volunteering might just be the key to unlocking your future.

Volunteer Opportunities Toronto for Students


At VWAT we are proud to offer a range of volunteer opportunities tailored specifically for the youth. Our programs not only serve our community, but also provide students with invaluable experiences that contribute to their personal growth and professional development.

Whether you’re interested in environmental conservation, social work, education, or arts and culture, there’s a place for you at VWAT. Together, we can make a difference in Toronto while enhancing your skills and expanding your horizons.