• (647) 343-8928

  • 1756 St. Clair Ave West, Toronto ON M6N1J3

Chào Canada

On June 27, 2024, VWAT Family Services hosted “Chào Canada” at Northwood Park in North York, a neighborhood celebrated for its rich cultural tapestry, especially within the Vietnamese community. This year’s event was held in celebration of Multiculturalism Day, showcasing the beauty of our diverse heritage. We are also grateful for the generous funding from Heritage Canada, which made this celebration possible.

The festivities began with a heartfelt welcome speech, setting an uplifting tone to honor Canada’s incredible diversity. We expressed our sincere gratitude to our dedicated organizers, enthusiastic volunteers, generous funders, supportive partners, and sponsors. A special flag ceremony showcased both the Canadian national anthem and Vietnam’s traditional anthem, symbolizing the unity and celebration of our cultures.

The event was a feast for the senses, featuring captivating live performances of traditional music and dance from talented singers, dancers, and musicians. Attendees also joined in the fun with an open-mic karaoke session, engaging group games suitable for all ages, and a lively cooking competition that brought out the culinary creativity in our community.

We challenged participants with trivia games about Canada’s culture, rewarding quick and correct answers with exciting prizes. These group activities encouraged mingling, fostering new friendships and connections among attendees.

The highlight of the day was our cooking competition, where talented participants showcased their signature dishes to impress our esteemed panel of judges. The top 6 winners received well-deserved prizes for their culinary skills!

This year, we added some exciting new elements to the program. A Zumba instructor led participants through an energetic dance workout, followed by a calming Tai Chi session for seniors, both of which were met with great enthusiasm.

As a delightful treat, a community member prepared fresh steamed rice rolls with pork and mushrooms—known as Bánh Cuốn—for everyone to savor. Our youth volunteers served traditional food and drinks, ensuring everyone enjoyed a taste of home. As the day came to a close, guests were treated to a refreshment table filled with desserts, providing a sweet ending to a fantastic celebration.

Our youth volunteers were instrumental in the success of the event, assisting with setup and cleanup, and actively participating in sports activities to engage fellow youth.

Overall, “Chào Canada” was a resounding success, bringing our community together in celebration and joy. We can’t wait to do it again next year!
