• (647) 343-8928

  • 1756 St. Clair Ave West, Toronto ON M6N1J3



Pour des services d’établissement en français et/ou la formation linguistique en français, veuillez contacter Centre Francophone du Grand Toronto (416)-922-2672 ou https://ac.centrefranco.org/


Settlement Services For Newcomers in Toronto

Embarking on a journey to a new country is an exciting yet potentially overwhelming experience. At VWAT Family Services, we understand the challenges that come with this transition and are dedicated to making your integration smoother. Our commitment extends to offering comprehensive support, advocacy, and valuable information to both individuals and families in the following key areas:

  • Employment & Housing support
  • Sponsorship, Citizenship & Visa applications
  • Translating & completing forms & paperwork
  • Obtaining necessary documents & identification
  • Counselling & referrals
  • Orientation to Toronto & Canadian life

The Newcomers Settlement Program at VWAT Family Services plays a pivotal role in equipping our clients with crucial information and orientation services. Our aim is to empower individuals to make informed decisions and gain a comprehensive understanding of life in Canada throughout their settlement process.

  • Settlement Counselling
  • Workshops
  • Classes
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Individual & Family Counselling

We are delighted to offer our exceptional counseling services operated in a welcoming and warm environment. Whether you need guidance on various issues such as employment, education, housing or legal aspects, we have a qualified team of professionals who are ready to support you in making informed decisions that will enhance your life in Canada. Our counseling services are designed to help you foster a network of professional and social connections, assuring you of a great experience here in Canada. We are committed to collaborating with you, and we look forward to hearing from you soon.

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Financial Planning
Personal Income Taxes
Power of Attorney and Living Wills
Dying with Dignity

Please send us an email for more information.

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Canadian Citizenship Class
Click here to learn more.

ESL Conversation Group
Click here to learn more.


Newcomers Resources

Discover all the resources we have for newcomers


Thuy Nguyen
Phone: 647-343-8928, ext. 112
Email: tnguyen@vwat.org

Hieu To
Phone: 647-343-8928, ext. 114
Email: hieu@vwat.org

Nhut-Suong Cu (Jessie)
Phone: 647-343-8928, ext. 117
Email: suong@vwat.org

Chieu Nguyen
Phone: 647-343-8928, ext. 113
Email: chieunguyen@vwat.org

Thao Pham
Phone: 647-343-8928, ext. 115
Email: tpham@vwat.org

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